Lessons learned from Revenge of the Sith
- When the leader says “Everything’s fine, go wait on the LAVA PLANET”, be suspicious.
- The Dark Side of the Force is called “The Dark Side” for a reason. It’s not like “The Dark Side of the Moon”.
- Robots with cutesy voices are annoying, not adorable. That goes double for aliens with cutesy voices. Triple for robots with cutesy voices and smoker’s cough.
- For some reason, robots talk to each other in English, instead of using wifi or bluetooth or something.
- Coruscant OB/GYN technology leaves something to be desired. [Update: "Luke" and "Leia" are clearly the Naboo words for "Morphine" and "Epidural"]
- 20 years seems like nothing when you’re ruling the galaxy.
- Don’t forget what happened to your mother in the last movie, or there will be extra exposition.
- Darth Vader is not scarier with an artful allusion to Frankenstein.
Great fight choreography, but man… what a piece of garbage.