Adam Fields (weblog)

This blog is largely deprecated, but is being preserved here for historical interest. Check out my index page at for more up to date info. My main trade is technology strategy, process/project management, and performance optimization consulting, with a focus on enterprise and open source CMS and related technologies. More information. I write periodic long pieces here, shorter stuff goes on twitter or


How I came to love Jamie Zawinski

Filed under: — adam @ 11:22 am

I now feel compelled to share this, since many people have now discovered Jamie’s writing due to that whole thing. But for me, it started long ago with just a single link. Time melts away in an instant when viewing web pages meant to be rendered in Netscape, and now it’s hard to believe that was 16 years ago. It’s a real gem, and for me it was one of my first exposures to both effective use of hypertext (as opposed to theoretical academic use) and internet oversharing.

Start here. Click click click.



Why all this mucking about with irrevocable licenses?

The Google+ Terms of Service include various provisions to give them license to display your content, and this has freaked out a bunch of professional photographers:

‘By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services.’

I don’t even understand why this is necessary. Why can’t this just be ‘you give us a license to display your content on the service until you delete it’?


Why I’m not going to see Watchmen tonight

Filed under: — adam @ 12:24 pm

It just doesn’t look like a very good movie to me. I didn’t like 300 terribly much. It was visually accurate with the book, but I found it fairly boring for most of the way through. I’m tired of ILM demo reels masquerading as masterwork films. The actors, with the exception of Silk Spectre, all seem about 10-15 years too young, and far too shiny. Watchmen is not supposed to be a shiny movie, except in very specific parts. Also, by and large, it’s not an action movie, again except in very specific parts.

The goal of “I’m doing this so someone else won’t fuck it up worse” is laudable, but ultimately flawed.

I expect it’s going to be a lot like the Hitchhiker’s Guide movie – visually accurate but stripped of everything great except glancing references to everything great in the book. I don’t really need a reminder to go read the book again.

One of the most striking moments of the book is when you realize that even the visual panel structure in issue 5 is symmetrical around the assassination attempt on Veidt and is flanked on both sides by about eighty thousand important plot elements that have been carefully arranged for you, by hand, in advance. That is when you realize that what you’re holding in your hands is really something special. It can’t be done as a movie, because it’s not something that can make its impact when it just flashes by. You have to sit there and stare at the page, and flip back and forth, and let it sink in, and sometimes take a few minutes to just absorb everything in one panel.

I’m guessing… not. Maybe I’ll see it eventually, but not tonight.


Cool photo roundup


Museum of Natural History:

400+ forms used by the NSA:

London Bananas:

How to make an inkjet print that will last 10000 years:


The Canon Pixma Pro 9000 is a great inkjet photo printer

Filed under: — adam @ 3:15 pm

I got a Canon Pixma Pro 9000 to replace my dead Epson Stylus 1280. Having not bought a new inkjet printer in about 7 years, I’m totally stunned by how far the technology has improved, even over the previous round which was pretty impressive.

First, it’s REALLY fast. While a letter size photo on the 1280 would take a good 5 minutes to print, the Pixma spit my first test print out in, oh, about 25 seconds. When it started to go, I did an actual doubletake – I was not really expecting that.

Second, the color is outstanding. With no adjustment at all, it got very close to my calibrated screen. Not exact, but close enough that you probably wouldn’t notice unless you held it up to the screen and looked at them side by side. On regular old Costco photo paper.

Third, the ink usage seems better designed. It has 8 separate ink carts, which are individually replaceable, instead of one.

Fourth, when you’re not using it, the paper path trays fold up and click into the case, which I expect will significantly reduce the amount of dust and stray hair that always seemed to get into the paper path on the old printer.

Fifth, it has more cleaning modes, to clean the print heads, deep clean the print heads, and also clean the bottom tray to prevent smudges. Also, the entire print head is replaceable if needed.

The only drawback I can see so far is that it’s gigantic. That’s kind of a side effect to being able to print on big paper, but even though it’s physically slightly bigger than the 1280 was, it seems more intelligently designed to take up as little space as it can and still do what it does.

I got it for $439 at Amazon, which is about $100 less than I paid for the 1280 originally:

Highly recommended.

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Well that’s just about the strangest thing I’ve seen all day

Filed under: — adam @ 8:14 pm

“This work began on the day when we had made a extra big candy like a bowling ball by ourselves.
Since that day, we had been licking the candy day after day for about six months.’

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Open letter to Apple asking for help improving medical design

Filed under: — adam @ 3:22 pm

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New in Photoshop CS3 – “Quick Selection Tool”

Filed under: — adam @ 11:07 am

They took the best of the magic wand, color range selection, magnetic lasso, and channel selection, and rolled it all up into a new kind of brush – the quick selection tool.

You paint with the brush for broad strokes to define your selection, then you have a dialog box to refine the edge with radius, contrast, smoothing, feathering, and contrast selectors, with 5 kinds of masked preview. (Also, it appears that the Refine Edges dialog is also available on all of the other selection tools.)

This alone is worth the price of the upgrade.

Documentation is non-existent in the beta, but I found this tutorial:

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Gorillapod – yes!

Filed under: — adam @ 9:11 am

I’ve been continually unhappy with all of the ultraportable tripods I’ve bought. They’re too heavy, not flexible enough, take too long to set up, and the smaller ones won’t support my big camera. The gorillapod fixes all of that. It’s incredibly light, totally portable, and even sufficiently adjustable to wrap around small objects (benches, railings, bike frame, etc…). It is, in short, the best portable tripod I’ve ever seen.

It comes in three sizes:

I got the DSLR-Zoom for my big camera (which holds up to 6 lbs.) and the regular size for my little pocket cam (which is more portable). I’m a big fan of Canon’s wireless flash system, so this also seems like a great way to mount a remote flash in an inconspicious location.

Regular (digicams and flashes):

DSLR (no zoom):


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The water’s GOOD, come on in

Filed under: — adam @ 1:01 am

Last week, we relaunched the GOOD site, with the very first round of new community features. We’ve got a lot planned for the next few months – this is just the beginning. But now, you can register with the site, comment on articles and posts, and vote for your favorites.

Check it out!

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Open letter to John Warnock

Filed under: — adam @ 11:36 am

‘Please consider releasing eight to twelve core fonts into the public domain. The amount of revenue lost from a small core set of fonts surely can’t have a significant impact on Adobe’s bottom line. And the gesture of releasing such a set into the public domain would have many positive ripple effects for years to come.’

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[Update: I've been informed that John Warnock is no longer the CEO of Adobe.]


Finally, a good use for Flash

Filed under: — adam @ 5:37 pm

Gliffy is an online diagram maker (a la Visio).

You all know how I feel about diagrams. This rocks!

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Coffee cups with stamps in the bottom

Filed under: — adam @ 11:09 am

Instead of corporate logos, they leave behind pretty floral patterns.

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All video is suspect

Filed under: — adam @ 10:18 am

Fascinating movie about the process of making Marlon Brando speak new lines for Superman Returns.

Remember when you first realized that everything you saw in a photo could be faked and you couldn’t tell the difference? It’s here for video too.

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The Shot Behind the Shot

Filed under: — adam @ 3:25 pm

A while back, I started a Flickr group called “The Shot Behind the Shot”. There aren’t many photos in it, but I like them all.

These are the rules for pictures in the group:

Every photograph tells a story. Some photographs capture a photographer trying to tell a story, and in doing so tell a completely different story.

This group is for those different stories.

Please be encouraged to add comments about why you felt compelled to capture the photographer capturing something else and what that means to you.

All shots must 1) have another photographer in the shot, 2) also include at least some of the subject of that photographer’s shot (no pictures of just photographers, and no pictures where you are the other photographer’s subject unless they otherwise meet the qualifications), and 3) tell a story different from the one that the photographer is telling. If the shot does not show what the other photographer is taking a picture of, this is the wrong group for it. Gratuitous pictures of public asses and/or nudity are acceptable, if they meet these qualifications. However, pictures may be arbitrarily deleted from the pool without comment at the discretion of the admins. Keep it tasteful and interesting. You have been warned.

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10,000 sheep drawn by the Amazon Mechanical Turk service

Filed under: — adam @ 10:04 am

Definitely click the “More…” link.

This is indicative of something, but I’m not sure what.

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Pink something

Filed under: — adam @ 1:43 pm

I have no idea what this is about, but it is… pink.

(Via Doc)

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Someone’s been painting directional signs on the ground outside subway stop in NYC

Filed under: — adam @ 11:29 am

Great idea.

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Firefly complete series on Amazon for $20

Filed under: — adam @ 10:31 am

We watched the broadcast, and thought it was stupid, and didn’t give it an adequate chance. Turns out the part we watched was the worst 15 minutes of the series. I was prodded by a few people to give it another try, and was pleasantly surprised.

If you haven’t watched it, you should. Amazon has the DVD series for $20:

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First movie shot on camera phones

Filed under: — adam @ 11:53 am

“Early this year, production wrapped on the first ever feature film to be shot entirely with cell phone cameras. Directed by South African filmmaker, Aryan Kaganof, “SMS Sugar Man” is the story of a pimp and two high class prostitutes driving around Johannesburg on Christmas Eve. It was shot for less than 1 million rand ($164,000) in just twelve days.”


New Beastles mashup album

Filed under: — adam @ 12:50 am

There’s a new Beastles mashup album, and it’s fantastic.

(The direct links seem to be broken, but the torrent link still works.)

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3d painted rooms that only resolve from one angle

Filed under: — adam @ 12:52 pm

Cool optical effects.

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Oil-based lenses on the way

Filed under: — adam @ 12:38 pm

Oil based lenses have the potential to put zoom cameras basically everywhere. Because they require no moving parts, they’re very compact, power efficient, and fast. The digital imaging world is changing fast. Sensors are already tiny , and glass lenses have been an obstacle to miniaturization. Oil based lenses, where the zoom can be adjusted by running a charge through the lens, will fix that problem.

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Tutorial on making cutouts with Photoshop

Filed under: — adam @ 12:29 pm

I’ve posted a short tutorial on how to make cutouts with photoshop:

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Filed under: — adam @ 12:09 pm

Draw a picture, and Retriever will fetch “similar” images from flickr (based mostly on color and rough shapes).

Update: I did a pretty random search, and it turned up one of my images. Cool!

One of my shots in retrievr


The ELF invades Sears

All this talk about plays written in the dark ages made me reread the skit I wrote in high school with my friend Tristan.

I give you The ELF invades Sears.

It still makes me laugh.

(It’s an homage. Read a book!)

Republic Dogs


My friend Nat’s screenplay “Republic Dogs”, a Plato/Tarantino mashup, is making the blog rounds:

There seems to be some contention over when it was actually written. I can personally attest to being present around the time of the original writing and presentation, at or near Columbia’s Philolexian Society (Columbia’s oldest student organization, founded in 1802), sometime between 1992 and 1996. Nat says 1994, and I believe him.

In fact, I made a poster for its theatrical (okay, in the basement of River) performance as part of a series of one-act plays, Onion Days and Starry Nights in the Zero-Sum Republic:

Republic Dogs


Quicktime VR view from inside a water bottle

Filed under: — adam @ 10:10 pm

That’s pretty funny.


New $10 or something

Filed under: — adam @ 10:31 am

Can we please stop calling it “The New Currency” everytime we release a new kind of money? I’m getting confused about whether this is the new $10, the last new $10, or the one before that. They need version numbers or years or funny names like Hurricanes have.

Bonus points for scoring “” though!


Temperature-sensitive wall paint

Filed under: — adam @ 4:34 pm

That’s cool. It’s wall paint that changes color with temperature fluctuations.


Release your inner (outer) hipster asshole

Filed under: — adam @ 4:58 pm

On a mailing list I’m on, someone pointed out the ipodmyphoto site, which I won’t link to out of common decency. Someone else followed up with ‘I want an ipodded shirt that says “hipster asshole”. Orange and Black please. ;) ’.

I just couldn’t resist, and you shouldn’t either.

Ourmedia needs your help

Filed under: — adam @ 9:25 am

Ourmedia is doing well. Too well. A huge amount of content in the internet archive now comes from Ourmedia, but that depends on allowing unrestricted uploads with after-the-fact policing. The admin team is struggling under the task of reviewing the submitted content of 40,000 users with only 40 moderators. Now would be a perfect time to volunteer, if you’re interested.


Photographer Series

Filed under: — adam @ 9:50 pm

I’ve started a series of cutouts of photographers in action. I really like these.


Color Code and Peekaboom

Filed under: — adam @ 1:05 am

This is a total mindfuck.

It’s a project to color code every word in the english language based on the average color and number of images returned in a search for that word.


Speaking of images, there’s a game called Peekaboom. You play with one other person over the internet, where one person is the peeker and the other is the boomer. The boomer reveals part of an image pertaining to a word that they’re given, and the peeker has to guess what the word is based on successive revelations.

This is an attempt to teach computers to identify images from part of the image.


Why I shoot photography.

Filed under: — adam @ 12:13 am

I shoot photos for the same reason I cook and program computers.

I believe that humanity’s high calling and deep purpose is the neverending struggle against the varied forces of entropy. Tempered by the wisdom of allowing natural forms of order to co-exist and simultaneously be captured in time, we live to create in our environment a reflection of our own inner sense of order. Every meal prepared, every elegant algorithm, and every imperfect echo frozen by sheer force of will is one more piece of the pattern coalesced from the ethereal storm and notched on the spear of humanity’s collective soul.

Take a handful, grab hold of the writhing chaos, keep your grip in the face of adversity, and shape it into something that can’t help but be beautiful until it hurts.

We will eventually be forgotten, and remembered only for what we added or took away.

I prefer to add.


Breezekit lets you make your own photo books

Filed under: — adam @ 9:29 am

Via Lifehacker:

“We strongly believe that with today’s 6 color and 8 color inkjet printers and wide available of specialty inkjet media, you can produce photo books with better print quality than the 4 color printing offered by online Photo Book printing companies such as myPublisher, Shutterfly, and Ofoto.”

Nice. I may have to try this out.


Beautiful Temperature Sensitive Faucets

Filed under: — adam @ 10:12 am

I love technology applied in creative ways to everyday objects.

These are faucets with the top removed so you can see the water flow, which is illuminated with red and blue LEDs to indicate the temperature of the water.


Via Futurismic:


Photoshop screenshots though the ages

Filed under: — adam @ 6:34 pm


Ads from 80s comics!

Filed under: — adam @ 10:09 am

Awesome. I remember pretty much all of these. Glubgrafutz.


Is the paint buddy new?

Filed under: — adam @ 9:02 am

This thing has been making the rounds:

It’s a new Rubbermaid product called the “Paint Buddy”. The idea is that when you paint, you leave a little left over in this thing for making touchups.

Didn’t I see this in a Lillian Vernon catalog, like 20 years ago?


Crappy new Freedom Tower panned by the NYTimes

Since when does “one tower” evoke “two towers”?


Can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?

Filed under: — adam @ 12:31 am

Via Makeblog:


Color picking tools

Filed under: — adam @ 10:16 am

Great post on 11 different palette picking tools:


Secret Wall Tattoos

Filed under: — adam @ 9:59 am


Subversive art behind regular art, furniture, etc… in hotels.

View all:


Guide to making isometric pixel art

Filed under: — adam @ 12:24 am


Default is one of my favorite photo blogs

Filed under: — adam @ 10:07 pm

That cat looks like it’s wearing pajamas.

Filed under: — adam @ 3:06 pm

Oh no.


Why photo editing is important

Filed under: — adam @ 3:38 pm

While looking at Kottke’s pictures from Paris, I immediately noticed that he’s got a good eye. But here’s why photography, in my mind, is not just about taking good pictures, but also about solid editing.

Here’s one I particularly liked:

Kottke Original

I spent about 15 minutes with this, adding sharpening (big difference!), tightening up the color curves, and cropping a little. Granted, I’m making some assumptions about what the day looked like, but I didn’t get the sense that it was really hazy there.

Adam Fields Edit

In this particular case, the yellow hose here is such a defining factor that I might even go one step further and give it a real focus:

Adam Fields Black and White Edit

But maybe that’s too much.

These edited images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.


Honesty in fashion

Filed under: — adam @ 11:50 am

Josh Rubin found knockoff bags clearly labeled “FAKE” over the counterfeit designer pattern. I like it.


Sin City is pure beautiful genius

Filed under: — adam @ 4:53 pm

We saw Sin City on Friday, and I wanted to let it gel a little before writing it up. The more I think about it, the more I enjoyed it. It is brutal, ugly, violent, and unpleasant, and also one of the most interesting movies I’ve seen in a LONG time. It captured my interest from the very beginning, and didn’t let go. Unlike Sky Captain, the cinematography is varied and fresh, the pacing is good, and the characters are certainly not boring cookie-cutter templates without life.

Obviously, it was very beautiful, and captured the revolutionary look of the books in a way that has never been done before. But, there’s been a lot of dismissal of the violence and the story as childish and simplistic, and I think it goes way beyond that.

(Some spoilers inside.)

I think that some of what I see here is represented heavily in Dwight’s characterization of Marv. This passage appears in A Dame to Kill For, one of the stories that didn’t make it into the movie, but was obviously important enough for them to use anyway.

I’m no shrink and I’m not saying I’ve got Marv all figured out or anything, but “crazy” just doesn’t explain him. Not to me. Sometimes I think he’s retarded, a big brutal kid who never learned the ground rules about how people are supposed to act around each other. But that doesn’t have the right ring to it either. No, it’s more like there’s nothing wrong with Marv at all–except that he had the rotten luck of being born at the wrong time in history. He’d have been okay if he’d been born a couple thousand years ago. He’d be right at home on some ancient battlefield, swinging an ax into somebody’s face. Or in a Roman arena, taking a sword to other gladiators like him. They’d have tossed him girls like Nancy, back then.

This is pre-pretty Dwight speaking, which was also largely dropped from the movie.

This passage struck me as remarkably apt when I first read it, and again when I heard it delivered on screen.

Sin City itself is, in fact, exactly the kind of world that best fits Marv. For some value of the word, he thrives there. He acquires a drive, in murder and revenge, and while he is ultimately done in by the forces that be, he goes willingly and defiantly to that end, having accomplished his goals of driving some greater evil than he from the world. But if you take the statement in the context of the real world, hopefully it’s true – Marv doesn’t fit here, in the kind of world we’d like to have. Maybe Sin City the story doesn’t either, and that’s okay.

Dwight was my favorite character in the books, and he shines in the movie. Some have complained that he’s portrayed as sexist somehow, as the man that the women of Old Town need to save them from their own evil. I really don’t see that. He’s a man with a plan, yes. He’s a serious badass, yes. But there’s never a sense that Gail and the others can do any less than look out for themselves just fine. Sometimes you need to be saved, and sometimes you need to do the saving. If anything, this is a respectful relationship of equals. “Where to fight. It counts for a lot. But there’s nothing like having your friends show up with lots of guns.”

That Yellow Bastard is just weird. I still have no idea how I feel about that. I do think the parallels between Marv and Hartigan are interesting – they’re both busted for taking out a Roark, they’re both tortured for confessions (which they both sign – and that’s a whole other analysis right there), and they both ultimately feel like their lives are worth trading for something larger than themselves – for Marv, it’s revenge in and of itself; for Hartigan, it’s an end to the chain. Cowardly? Maybe, but he’s also supposed to be MUCH older and in much more pain than he’s accurately portrayed in the movie. I can see where that sort of a decision might seem to make sense.

There’s a lot of layered complexity in here, and I think there’s much more in there than credit is being given for.


Coming soon: The Grates

Filed under: — adam @ 2:26 pm


Superheroes reimagined

Filed under: — adam @ 2:03 pm

Great collection of classic superheroes drawn by different artists.

Spamusement wants you to visit their sponsors today

Filed under: — adam @ 1:30 pm

Heh. Spamusement makes me smile.


Naked Needlepoint

Filed under: — adam @ 7:36 pm


Improv dancing in the new Whole Foods building

Filed under: — adam @ 9:53 pm

A crew of improv artists staged a dance-in in the windows of the Union Square Whole Foods building.


Beautiful Mehndi gallery

Filed under: — adam @ 2:29 pm


Ourmedia launches!

Filed under: — adam @ 10:43 am

It’s a good day for online media.

Ourmedia, a free, open repository for grassroots media, had a public soft launch today. This will be a fantastic resource. They’re providing free media hosting for Creative Commons licensed media, through the Internet Archive, in an attempt to aid the cause of preserving a shared internet culture. This is a goal I wholeheartedly support.

I contributed a verrrry small amount of coding to the site, and a number of photographs.

The site does seem to be having some performance issues on launch, but those should be ironed out soon.


Clothing vs. Naked

Filed under: — adam @ 11:39 pm

I find clothing/naked side by side photographs very interesting, boobies aside.

(Update: apparently, there are a lot more of them here:


Paper thin metal furniture

Filed under: — adam @ 2:23 pm

Very cool. Flat, yet not flat. Laser cut sheets of metal folded into furniture:


In-game photoblogging in Second Life

Filed under: — adam @ 11:29 am

Second Life has added in-game photoblogging, so you can snapshot what you’re seeing and post it. I’m torn on whether this qualifies as “moblogging” or not.

I had this idea a few months ago watching Anne play World of Warcraft, and I’m really glad someone’s done it. I think it’s really cool.

Miskatonic Acid Test

Filed under: — adam @ 11:14 am

Miskatonic Acid Test is an independent horror movie being made about a group of students in Arkham, MA in 1969 who try to recreate the swinging west coast acid scene, but instead fall prey to the unknowable evils of the nameless one as their professor tries to turn their experiment to his own twisted ends by dropping the radio in the tub just as White Rabbit is peaking, er… reading summoning incantations from the Necronomicon.


Superhero motivational posters

Filed under: — adam @ 12:59 pm



Transparent toaster!

Filed under: — adam @ 10:10 am

(Poor naviagtion – it’s the last one on the right.)

Via boingboing:


Don’t walk, Rock!

Filed under: — adam @ 11:39 pm

New York Metro piece on “Thundercut”, the Brooklyn couple who deface the Walk/Don’t Walk signs downtown.

I’ve photographed their handiwork (without knowing who they were) before.


Street Kodama

Filed under: — adam @ 2:49 pm

Via Josh Rubin:


Check out those melons!

Filed under: — adam @ 3:59 pm


How much milk do you take in your tea?

Filed under: — adam @ 3:47 pm


The Compleat Sculptor Toy Maker’s Symposium

Filed under: — adam @ 2:40 pm

To coincide with this year’s Toyfair, my family’s store is running a symposium on Toy Making. Classes range from free to $35. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about how toys are made, there’s probably something in there for you.

Mention code ADAM05 for a free gift with a purchase!


Bembo’s Alphabet Zoo

Filed under: — adam @ 7:26 pm

This is really cool. Each letter gets one animal that’s then made out of the letters in its name, by scaling, rotating, and repeating them.



Dates for the Gates

Filed under: — adam @ 11:24 am

I think this is going to be really beautiful. There’s lots of good info here, including the schedule:


Maeda on “The Color of Black”

Filed under: — adam @ 1:58 pm

Becoming a photographer has really tuned me in to subtle shades of black, white, and grey, as well as the effect that throwing a little blue (cooler) or red (warmer) into the mix has on what we perceive. This is a nice little piece on that:

Museum of Food Anomalies

Filed under: — adam @ 11:43 am

Not much here yet, but they claim that there’s more coming. I like the spelling potatoes.


How to build a moneywallet

Filed under: — adam @ 1:25 am


“Hey Ballmer, why don’t you suck my tiny yellow balls?”

Filed under: — adam @ 1:21 pm

Er, yes.

As Warren Ellis says, “WIREDs interview with Nintendos Hiroshi Yamauchi is one of the greatest interviews in the history of interviews ever”:


For some reason, jwz is fascinated by giant floating heads

Filed under: — adam @ 5:56 pm

(XXX) 867-5309

Filed under: — adam @ 4:54 pm

The collected results of calling Jenny in every area code:

Rings made out of your own bone (not that bone).

Filed under: — adam @ 1:30 pm

Biojewelry is a UK company that makes custom jewelry out of cultured bone. Specifically, wedding rings made from the bone of the opposite partner. It’s not clear if this is currently being done, or if this is just a concept.


Amazing cardstacker gallery

Filed under: — adam @ 3:09 pm

New York City Walk

Filed under: — adam @ 12:38 pm

A Columbia librarian walked every street in Manhattan between May 2002 and December 2004.

His website, with lots of pictures, is here:


Moldable plastic

Filed under: — adam @ 2:09 pm

“You get a bag of plastic pellets, put them in 160F water, and they phase change, becoming soft and moldable. If you don’t let the water get too hot, when you take the plastic out, it’s cool enough to shape with your hands.

When it cools down, it hardens into a strong, durable, paintable, machine-able white plastic. If you don’t like what you made, you just put it in 160F water again and reshape it.”

Secure the Homeneck

Filed under: — adam @ 12:44 pm

Heh. Via Karm:

(Brought to you by the exclusive maker of Chrissy Caviar, which I’ve mentioned before.)



Filed under: — adam @ 4:51 pm


Fark photoshop on “Unlikely scenes from the extended DVD version of “The Return of the King”

Filed under: — adam @ 11:17 am

Some of these are funny.


Spoke n’ light

Filed under: — adam @ 3:19 pm

LEDs mounted on a bicycle wheel create a static message. Like those clocks with the wavy hands.


Pierced Nez

Filed under: — adam @ 11:09 am

James Sooy has made a pair of eyeglasses that hang from his nose bridge piercing. Apparently, according to the article, he’s not the first to do this, but he has taken pictures of it, which are included. So yeah.


How to make highly detailed clay oranges

Filed under: — adam @ 10:58 pm

That’s pretty nifty.

Gonzalo Silva

Filed under: — adam @ 10:52 am

I ran into this guy on the subway, and his music is pretty good. I bought a CD. Reminds me of Nick Drake.


Cartoon therapy

Filed under: — adam @ 12:13 pm

This is pretty moving.


Cartoon skeletons

Filed under: — adam @ 11:29 am

The site’s been down for a few days, so I’m just posting this now.

They’re drawings of cartoon characters next to what their skeleton might look like.

Speaking of which, has anyone seen an actual Visible Frylock poster?

There’s also a mirror here, if the site’s hosed again:


Massive Boris Vallejo archive

Filed under: — adam @ 1:20 pm


Flash based virtual sketch artist

Filed under: — adam @ 11:19 am



Anime mousepads (with ergonomic breasts!)

"This quality mousepad features a uh, CLEVER ergonomic wrist rest on a pair of gel boobs."

That’s just too funny.


Airform inflatable sculpture

Filed under: — adam @ 12:56 pm


Christo gets his Central Park wet dream

Filed under: — adam @ 4:36 pm


Library Rainbow

Filed under: — adam @ 7:58 am

“For one amazing week in November, Adobe Bookshop in San Francisco has agreed to allow its estimated 20,000 books to be reclassified by color. Shifting from red to orange to yellow to green, the books will follow the spectrum continuously, changing Adobe from a neighborhood bookshop into a magical library — but only for one week.”

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