Comments on: The Hurtt Prize entertaining hundreds of millions of eyeball atoms every day Sun, 12 Aug 2012 17:06:22 -0400 hourly 1 By: James James Wed, 22 Feb 2006 22:16:27 +0000 And another thing that drives me bonkers: People legitimately want to keep some things private not because they're shameful, but because THEY'RE PRIVATE! Forget the easy cases of doctors, lawyers, counselors, pyschologists, and anyone who may wish to protect the confidence of another person. Of course those are perfectly legitimate and non-shameful aspects of privacy. There are perfectly legitimate personal reasons to seek and enjoy privacy, and they have nothing to do with doing anything wrong. I know that in our publicity-obsessed culture people feel they really haven't said or done something unless it's broadcast on TV for the world to see, but many of us treasure our modicum of privacy. We cherish private conversations that we never intend to share with anyone else, not because they were in any way embarrassing or shameful, but because they were private. The fact that something is known or shared between only a few people can forge a special personal bond among them. In other cases, privacy gives us scope in which we can be tenative, silly, emotional, etc. -- all things which are in no way shameful, but which we may not feel like exposing to the rest of the world. We like to be modest both in showing and in telling all about ourselves. We plan for the future and don't intend to disclose every detail of our plans to everyone else in the world, friendly and unfriendly alike, who may wish to pry into our affairs for their own nefarious purposes. We are rightly protective of our vulnerable privacy, not because we are doing anything wrong, but because we know all too well how many other people might. We keep some of our plans, schemes, hopes and fears private because we simply enjoy our own personal inner sphere. Sometimes when I mention this idea of privacy I feel like I'm advocating the virtues of the ancient rites and rituals of a long-dead civilization. Many people seem to have lost any conception of this. But that's their problem -- not ours. A private life is a precious thing, and it deserves and has traditionally received legal protection. Anyone who wants to trample that should be prepared for the furious resistance such an outrage will inspire from good people who respect privacy. And another thing that drives me bonkers:

People legitimately want to keep some things private not because they’re shameful, but because THEY’RE PRIVATE!

Forget the easy cases of doctors, lawyers, counselors, pyschologists, and anyone who may wish to protect the confidence of another person. Of course those are perfectly legitimate and non-shameful aspects of privacy. There are perfectly legitimate personal reasons to seek and enjoy privacy, and they have nothing to do with doing anything wrong.

I know that in our publicity-obsessed culture people feel they really haven’t said or done something unless it’s broadcast on TV for the world to see, but many of us treasure our modicum of privacy. We cherish private conversations that we never intend to share with anyone else, not because they were in any way embarrassing or shameful, but because they were private. The fact that something is known or shared between only a few people can forge a special personal bond among them. In other cases, privacy gives us scope in which we can be tenative, silly, emotional, etc. — all things which are in no way shameful, but which we may not feel like exposing to the rest of the world. We like to be modest both in showing and in telling all about ourselves. We plan for the future and don’t intend to disclose every detail of our plans to everyone else in the world, friendly and unfriendly alike, who may wish to pry into our affairs for their own nefarious purposes. We are rightly protective of our vulnerable privacy, not because we are doing anything wrong, but because we know all too well how many other people might. We keep some of our plans, schemes, hopes and fears private because we simply enjoy our own personal inner sphere.

Sometimes when I mention this idea of privacy I feel like I’m advocating the virtues of the ancient rites and rituals of a long-dead civilization. Many people seem to have lost any conception of this. But that’s their problem — not ours. A private life is a precious thing, and it deserves and has traditionally received legal protection. Anyone who wants to trample that should be prepared for the furious resistance such an outrage will inspire from good people who respect privacy.
