Comments on: Lessons learned from Revenge of the Sith entertaining hundreds of millions of eyeball atoms every day Sun, 12 Aug 2012 17:06:22 -0400 hourly 1 By: Darth douche Darth douche Mon, 30 May 2005 13:38:49 +0000 /?p=743#comment-350 Something that always got me about this series of movies is the Force itself. A bigger storytelling crutch there never was. There are two sides to the spooky power that runs the univese, a good side and a bad side. The good side fights the bad side because the bad side wants to destroy the good side. Why? Because the bad side hates the good side. Why? As my seven year old cousin said once: "Because, Because! Thats why!" Something that always got me about this series of movies is the Force itself. A bigger storytelling crutch there never was. There are two sides to the spooky power that runs the univese, a good side and a bad side. The good side fights the bad side because the bad side wants to destroy the good side. Why? Because the bad side hates the good side. Why? As my seven year old cousin said once: “Because, Because! Thats why!”

By: ckd ckd Sun, 29 May 2005 22:30:34 +0000 /?p=743#comment-349 When Obi-Wan was riding the big lizard, I had this horrible thought: "Master Yoda! I have good news! I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to a gecko!" When Obi-Wan was riding the big lizard, I had this horrible thought:

“Master Yoda! I have good news! I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to a gecko!”

By: The Fishbowl The Fishbowl Sun, 29 May 2005 00:48:42 +0000 /?p=743#comment-346 <strong>Things I Learned Watching Revenge of the Sith</strong> Maybe the Jedi temple should just spend less time on that flashy lightsaber stuff, and more time teaching novices to "Use the Brain." Things I Learned Watching Revenge of the Sith
Maybe the Jedi temple should just spend less time on that flashy lightsaber stuff, and more time teaching novices to “Use the Brain.”

By: Pusher Robot Pusher Robot Sat, 28 May 2005 05:58:17 +0000 /?p=743#comment-345 I thought the randomness of the jedi's ability to sense things using the Force was laughable. Anakin CAN sense Dooku on the other side of an extremely large ship, however in the elevator shaft, Obi-Wan is inexcplicably startled by Anakin, his student of several years, dropping in behind him. Anakin (along with Yoda and Obi-Wan for that matter) cannot sense the Jedi twins in Padme. A previous poster wondered why Vader didn't check his brother's for the twins...well he didn't know they were alive because he thought Padme died along with their offspring, although he should've been able to 'sense' them if the movie had in flibbin' continuity at all. I thought the randomness of the jedi’s ability to sense things using the Force was laughable.

Anakin CAN sense Dooku on the other side of an extremely large ship, however in the elevator shaft, Obi-Wan is inexcplicably startled by Anakin, his student of several years, dropping in behind him.

Anakin (along with Yoda and Obi-Wan for that matter) cannot sense the Jedi twins in Padme. A previous poster wondered why Vader didn’t check his brother’s for the twins…well he didn’t know they were alive because he thought Padme died along with their offspring, although he should’ve been able to ’sense’ them if the movie had in flibbin’ continuity at all.

By: Falash Memmuri Falash Memmuri Sat, 28 May 2005 00:51:36 +0000 /?p=743#comment-344 you're meant to watch films like this halfway through and then walk out, you fools PlotPoint(1/2) - The Jedi Council said that they were ok with Anni and shagging Padme AND him knocking her up PlotPoint(2/2)[EXCISED] - The manslaughter of Padme by Anakin means that Obiwan delievers the twins by lightsaber-cesarean ....this is now implied you’re meant to watch films like this halfway through and then walk out, you fools

PlotPoint(1/2) – The Jedi Council said that they were ok with Anni and shagging Padme AND him knocking her up

PlotPoint(2/2)[EXCISED] – The manslaughter of Padme by Anakin means that Obiwan delievers the twins by lightsaber-cesarean ….this is now implied

By: mike mike Wed, 25 May 2005 03:38:16 +0000 /?p=743#comment-338 To the subject of enormous schwanstuckers, let me add this: If Vader, taking his first Frankenstein steps, had broken into "Puttin' on the Ritz," I would have forgiven everything. To the subject of enormous schwanstuckers, let me add this: If Vader, taking his first Frankenstein steps, had broken into “Puttin’ on the Ritz,” I would have forgiven everything.

By: Mark Fradl Mark Fradl Tue, 24 May 2005 23:52:56 +0000 /?p=743#comment-337 Noodle, I was looking very forward to enjoying a Star Wars movie that was good not great -- instead got one that was lame instead of good (as opposed to the last two which were painful instead of lame) As was mentioned, if it had been a decent film nitpicky shortcoming would have been overlooked, but as it is we feast on its carcass. And why do I take pleasure in that? It's revenge for them ramming this piece of crap down my throat with commercialization -- they've sold themselves to every product endorsement this side of Sithdouche. They are the ones who tried to build it up as a cultural touchstone. A bad film I can say "Oh well" and go on. But a bad film that's being trumpeted by product tie-ins from every TV commercial, food product, billboard and magazine as being culturally relevant makes me want to call "bullshit." It's their fault I'm watching their crap movie thinking "Ooo, Darth Vader is almost as scary on the big screen as he is on my box of Cheeze-Its." If it was a well done film maybe I could have looked past that annoyance, but as it is I'll never know. Noodle, I was looking very forward to enjoying a Star Wars movie that was good not great — instead got one that was lame instead of good (as opposed to the last two which were painful instead of lame) As was mentioned, if it had been a decent film nitpicky shortcoming would have been overlooked, but as it is we feast on its carcass.

And why do I take pleasure in that? It’s revenge for them ramming this piece of crap down my throat with commercialization — they’ve sold themselves to every product endorsement this side of Sithdouche. They are the ones who tried to build it up as a cultural touchstone. A bad film I can say “Oh well” and go on. But a bad film that’s being trumpeted by product tie-ins from every TV commercial, food product, billboard and magazine as being culturally relevant makes me want to call “bullshit.” It’s their fault I’m watching their crap movie thinking “Ooo, Darth Vader is almost as scary on the big screen as he is on my box of Cheeze-Its.” If it was a well done film maybe I could have looked past that annoyance, but as it is I’ll never know.

By: adam adam Tue, 24 May 2005 21:06:40 +0000 /?p=743#comment-336 For the record, my schwartz is not to be questioned, and Napoleon Dynamite references are hereby banned. For the record, my schwartz is not to be questioned, and Napoleon Dynamite references are hereby banned.

By: noodle noodle Tue, 24 May 2005 20:55:54 +0000 /?p=743#comment-335 I don't know what's worse -- the fact that you people have all these nits to pick over a flippin' movie, the obvious sexual frustration you have over not actually being jedi yourselves, or the fact that I read every last comment on here. Get some popcorn with yellow drizzle on it, sit down, revel in the theme song, get a thrill from the lightsaber fights and the big cool spaceships, sniffle because Anakin turns into Darth Vader and does bad things, then get up and go home with that "I just saw a Star Wars movie for the first time" glow you had when you were 7. That's all. You people give me weird Napoleon Dynamite vibes with all this "Durrrr, this is too unrealistic" bullshit. I don’t know what’s worse — the fact that you people have all these nits to pick over a flippin’ movie, the obvious sexual frustration you have over not actually being jedi yourselves, or the fact that I read every last comment on here.

Get some popcorn with yellow drizzle on it, sit down, revel in the theme song, get a thrill from the lightsaber fights and the big cool spaceships, sniffle because Anakin turns into Darth Vader and does bad things, then get up and go home with that “I just saw a Star Wars movie for the first time” glow you had when you were 7. That’s all. You people give me weird Napoleon Dynamite vibes with all this “Durrrr, this is too unrealistic” bullshit.

By: darksandal darksandal Tue, 24 May 2005 11:19:32 +0000 /?p=743#comment-328 All I have to say is that Star Wars is the greatest series of movies that totally suck! All of them are absolutely abominable ... and great! Ep3 just sealed the deal. One of biggest the biggest lessons you've all missed: Don't Date The Jedi! Next time: cod pieces for the Padawans! All I have to say is that Star Wars is the greatest series of movies that totally suck! All of them are absolutely abominable … and great! Ep3 just sealed the deal.

One of biggest the biggest lessons you’ve all missed: Don’t Date The Jedi! Next time: cod pieces for the Padawans!

By: JT JT Tue, 24 May 2005 10:12:11 +0000 /?p=743#comment-327 My question is this, In episode 2, after Ani destroyed all the men, women and childern of the sand people, Yoda felt his pain and suffering. Yoda knew what happened, so why was Ani allowed to remain a Jedi after such a bloody act? My question is this, In episode 2, after Ani destroyed all the men, women and childern of the sand people, Yoda felt his pain and suffering. Yoda knew what happened, so why was Ani allowed to remain a Jedi after such a bloody act?

By: mike mike Tue, 24 May 2005 05:35:40 +0000 /?p=743#comment-326 Thanks to Mark Fradl for noticing the clutter -- there was no definition, no dramatic shape, to the action scenes, and I thought about Blade Runner too when looking at the city. There was a point to Blade Runner's landscape -- the towering pyramids, for example -- that told you something significant about the evolution of Los Angeles. An entire backstory in a glance, which is really what "vision" is about. And then there's the Jedi massacre, which almost worked. My first thought -- and I'm sure it wasn't an accident -- was the operatic massacre montage in Godfather (shout-out to Francis from George), and I was really pulling for it. Hell, for all I know it worked just fine, and the same sequence in a better-shaped movie would have had the impact it deserved. But in the movie as it stands, the massacre is yet another lost moment in the wilderness. Overall, the most frustrating thing is that there really is a good movie -- perhaps two -- buried in the clutter. The major plot points (Anakin's turn to the Dark Side, the collapse of the Republic into dictatorship) ring true in concept, but you don't feel them on the screen. Nothing approaches the gut-wrenching chill of "I am your father" -- imagine a movie where we see Anakin's Choice as our own, the descent into hell as the price for saving the love of his life, and we leave the theater wondering what we would do in the circumstances. Or imagine a movie where the "freedom dies" line actually has its intended force, a movie that shows how patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. I'd still like to see that movie. Phantom Edit, anyone? Thanks to Mark Fradl for noticing the clutter — there was no definition, no dramatic shape, to the action scenes, and I thought about Blade Runner too when looking at the city. There was a point to Blade Runner’s landscape — the towering pyramids, for example — that told you something significant about the evolution of Los Angeles. An entire backstory in a glance, which is really what “vision” is about.

And then there’s the Jedi massacre, which almost worked. My first thought — and I’m sure it wasn’t an accident — was the operatic massacre montage in Godfather (shout-out to Francis from George), and I was really pulling for it. Hell, for all I know it worked just fine, and the same sequence in a better-shaped movie would have had the impact it deserved. But in the movie as it stands, the massacre is yet another lost moment in the wilderness.

Overall, the most frustrating thing is that there really is a good movie — perhaps two — buried in the clutter. The major plot points (Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side, the collapse of the Republic into dictatorship) ring true in concept, but you don’t feel them on the screen. Nothing approaches the gut-wrenching chill of “I am your father” — imagine a movie where we see Anakin’s Choice as our own, the descent into hell as the price for saving the love of his life, and we leave the theater wondering what we would do in the circumstances. Or imagine a movie where the “freedom dies” line actually has its intended force, a movie that shows how patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

I’d still like to see that movie. Phantom Edit, anyone?

By: Mark Fradl Mark Fradl Tue, 24 May 2005 00:00:25 +0000 /?p=743#comment-325 many great comments here - I think an important point is that when a movie has great characters (meaning you give a shit about them), great plot, and great dialogue you'll forgive most everything else. When it doesn't have those things, EVERYTHING bad gets noticed. in addition to all the major things mentioned by others,was anyone else disturbed by any of this : 1) Too much going on in the background! Bladerunner and Fifth Element created bustling, hectic cities that were still beautiful to behold. Every city shot in this just looked busy and distracting. 2) Outer space fight scenes were impossible to follow. Again, so much going on that it lost any impact. Battle scenes in Deep Space 9 or the new Battlestar Galactica had dozens of ships but you could still follow and get into the action. Here the scenes just looked insanely crowded and busy. 3) I swear i don't normally nitpick, but there were so many scenes of ships with glowing thrusters behind them while they moved at an angle. You can only move opposite the direction of your propulsion - normally I don't notice geek things like this but when I'm watching engines glow from behind while the ship moves in a different direction I notice. 4) It's a small, small galaxy isn't it? Padame jumps in her ship and gets to the lava planet in no time at all - Anakin is still hanging out. Wouldn't you think the planet where the seperatist leaders are hiding might be, oh, slightly far away from the seat of the government??? 5)The movie was briefly very cool when they went after the jedi, but that section should have been much, much better. Did anyone else feel cheated by not seeing the epic battle that must have taken place at the Jedi Temple?? The five seconds of that little kid Jedi kicking ass (while Jimmy Smits watched) was better than the entire rest of the film. I could have done without Obi Wan riding the dragon's back to chase hot-rod Grievous (about as exciting as the droid factory sequence from the last one) and they could have given us more fighting Jedi. 6) The wookie planet - totally useless! Other than a geek nod to the old films, it was nothing exciting (and actually bordered on painful having to listen to the vine-swinging wookies letting out Tarzan yells) Is there anyone who can name one cool moment from that whole sequence? I laughed out loud when the head wookie stood up and let out his war cry. 7) Why were the clones killing all the wookies?? I thought they were going to do a great analogy to Stalin killing all the anti-Nazi underground leaders after WW II (because they obviously would have opposed him as well) but no explanation given. 8) I can suspend disbelief to a point, but how far was Yoda going to get in a ship the size of a refrigerator?? If Obi Wan's ship needed to attach to that round space-drive to get lightspeed then how do Yoda escape in a Yugo?? Again...all of these were minor details compared to the lack of likeable characters, etc many great comments here – I think an important point is that when a movie has great characters (meaning you give a shit about them), great plot, and great dialogue you’ll forgive most everything else. When it doesn’t have those things, EVERYTHING bad gets noticed.

in addition to all the major things mentioned by others,was anyone else disturbed by any of this :
1) Too much going on in the background! Bladerunner and Fifth Element created bustling, hectic cities that were still beautiful to behold. Every city shot in this just looked busy and distracting.

2) Outer space fight scenes were impossible to follow. Again, so much going on that it lost any impact. Battle scenes in Deep Space 9 or the new Battlestar Galactica had dozens of ships but you could still follow and get into the action. Here the scenes just looked insanely crowded and busy.

3) I swear i don’t normally nitpick, but there were so many scenes of ships with glowing thrusters behind them while they moved at an angle. You can only move opposite the direction of your propulsion – normally I don’t notice geek things like this but when I’m watching engines glow from behind while the ship moves in a different direction I notice.

4) It’s a small, small galaxy isn’t it? Padame jumps in her ship and gets to the lava planet in no time at all – Anakin is still hanging out. Wouldn’t you think the planet where the seperatist leaders are hiding might be, oh, slightly far away from the seat of the government???

5)The movie was briefly very cool when they went after the jedi, but that section should have been much, much better. Did anyone else feel cheated by not seeing the epic battle that must have taken place at the Jedi Temple?? The five seconds of that little kid Jedi kicking ass (while Jimmy Smits watched) was better than the entire rest of the film. I could have done without Obi Wan riding the dragon’s back to chase hot-rod Grievous (about as exciting as the droid factory sequence from the last one) and they could have given us more fighting Jedi.

6) The wookie planet – totally useless! Other than a geek nod to the old films, it was nothing exciting (and actually bordered on painful having to listen to the vine-swinging wookies letting out Tarzan yells) Is there anyone who can name one cool moment from that whole sequence? I laughed out loud when the head wookie stood up and let out his war cry.

7) Why were the clones killing all the wookies?? I thought they were going to do a great analogy to Stalin killing all the anti-Nazi underground leaders after WW II (because they obviously would have opposed him as well) but no explanation given.

8) I can suspend disbelief to a point, but how far was Yoda going to get in a ship the size of a refrigerator?? If Obi Wan’s ship needed to attach to that round space-drive to get lightspeed then how do Yoda escape in a Yugo??

Again…all of these were minor details compared to the lack of likeable characters, etc

By: Bill jensen Bill jensen Mon, 23 May 2005 21:31:10 +0000 /?p=743#comment-324 Biggest lesson learned: Live in the dessert and your looks will fade quickly. Man did beru hit a wall. She goes from slammin hot to granny serving blue milk in 19 years. Biggest lesson learned: Live in the dessert and your looks will fade quickly. Man did beru hit a wall. She goes from slammin hot to granny serving blue milk in 19 years.

By: adam adam Mon, 23 May 2005 16:12:38 +0000 /?p=743#comment-323 I disagree. Sin City was shot entirely in front of a green screen. Some may disagree about whether it was a good movie or not, but it certainly wasn't lacking in spirit. I disagree. Sin City was shot entirely in front of a green screen. Some may disagree about whether it was a good movie or not, but it certainly wasn’t lacking in spirit.

By: DCS DCS Mon, 23 May 2005 16:06:00 +0000 /?p=743#comment-322 Rampant CG is still the worst thing about the new trilogy. Give your actors a set to act in, and then maybe they will actually be able to act. The original trilogy had corny love scenes, stilted dialogue, and minor plot holes, but they were acted with spirit. Samuel L. is a good actor, right? How come he sucked more than anything ever after Anakin chopped his arm off? It was so bad. I'll give you the reason. He was acting in front of a green screen. Rampant CG is still the worst thing about the new trilogy.
Give your actors a set to act in, and then maybe they will actually be able to act.
The original trilogy had corny love scenes, stilted dialogue, and minor plot holes, but they were acted with spirit. Samuel L. is a good actor, right? How come he sucked more than anything ever after Anakin chopped his arm off? It was so bad. I’ll give you the reason. He was acting in front of a green screen.

By: adam adam Mon, 23 May 2005 14:42:32 +0000 /?p=743#comment-321 psuede, you're missing the point. I tried. I really tried. I <b>wanted</b> to like this movie. We are trying hard to come up with logical explanations, and there just aren't any to be found because George just didn't think that far ahead. I don't buy the "we're not kids anymore" argument - the kids I talked to were equally as confused - as well they should be! The original series may not be scientifically accurate, but that's really not the point at all, because it is, however, mostly internally self-consistent. There's a world there that's cohesive, and when something new shows up, you think "Hey, that sort of makes sense" instead of "Whua? Where did that come from?". That, and it has dialogue that, while corny in places, didn't have the entire theater laughing during the tense, dramatic scenes. psuede, you’re missing the point.

I tried. I really tried. I wanted to like this movie. We are trying hard to come up with logical explanations, and there just aren’t any to be found because George just didn’t think that far ahead.

I don’t buy the “we’re not kids anymore” argument – the kids I talked to were equally as confused – as well they should be!

The original series may not be scientifically accurate, but that’s really not the point at all, because it is, however, mostly internally self-consistent. There’s a world there that’s cohesive, and when something new shows up, you think “Hey, that sort of makes sense” instead of “Whua? Where did that come from?”. That, and it has dialogue that, while corny in places, didn’t have the entire theater laughing during the tense, dramatic scenes.

By: Ernesto Ernesto Mon, 23 May 2005 14:34:41 +0000 /?p=743#comment-320 I try to think of these the way GL intended. This whole series is not the story of The Empire and the Rebellion, but, the Fall and ultimate Redemption of Anikan Skywalker. To answer why he never went looking for his family. It is possible he never wanted to. If you were told the one person you loved had died due to your anger, what would make you imagine that she had given birth to children before then? He would bury himself in his work, spending the next 20 years putting down the rebellion. In his mind, the Jedi are destroyed, and Yoda and Obi Won don't make an appearance during this time period. Why bother going down to a planet that would obviously cause you emotional stress (remember his mother died there). I think Obi Won doesnt kill him because he doesn't have to, Boxin Ani proves the point completely. Maybe Vadar doesn't go looking for him because he is scared S%$#less about what Obi Won would do to him next. If somebody gimped me, I wouldn't go looking for a rematch. The most dangerous place to be in the galaxy is on the right hand side of Vadar (the first obviously being in front of him) He is obviously not completely sold on the whold Dark Side Ideal, and when given the oppurtunity of seeing his son make the decision he could never do,( walking away from his anger, and suffering for it), He reclaims his humanity by casting aside the Dark Side of the Force. Now, if Lucas could have hired a couple of good writers to really work the dialogue, this story would have the epic feel it is supposed to, and not Jar-Jar and "Hold me like you did at the lake on Naboo". Someone should have gotten a restraining order against his kids for giving script ideas. I try to think of these the way GL intended. This whole series is not the story of The Empire and the Rebellion, but, the Fall and ultimate Redemption of Anikan Skywalker.

To answer why he never went looking for his family. It is possible he never wanted to. If you were told the one person you loved had died due to your anger, what would make you imagine that she had given birth to children before then? He would bury himself in his work, spending the next 20 years putting down the rebellion. In his mind, the Jedi are destroyed, and Yoda and Obi Won don’t make an appearance during this time period. Why bother going down to a planet that would obviously cause you emotional stress (remember his mother died there).

I think Obi Won doesnt kill him because he doesn’t have to, Boxin Ani proves the point completely. Maybe Vadar doesn’t go looking for him because he is scared S%$#less about what Obi Won would do to him next. If somebody gimped me, I wouldn’t go looking for a rematch.

The most dangerous place to be in the galaxy is on the right hand side of Vadar (the first obviously being in front of him) He is obviously not completely sold on the whold Dark Side Ideal, and when given the oppurtunity of seeing his son make the decision he could never do,( walking away from his anger, and suffering for it), He reclaims his humanity by casting aside the Dark Side of the Force.

Now, if Lucas could have hired a couple of good writers to really work the dialogue, this story would have the epic feel it is supposed to, and not Jar-Jar and “Hold me like you did at the lake on Naboo”. Someone should have gotten a restraining order against his kids for giving script ideas.

By: psuede psuede Mon, 23 May 2005 11:21:22 +0000 /?p=743#comment-319 It doesnt seem worth trying to answer the many lame criticisms of Ep3 posted here, because if people used as much thought and imagination as they do finding 'errors' in the film into coming up with logical explanations for them, they might enjoy it more. All the complaints seem to fall into 2 categories... Scientific Errors and Character Errors... Firstly as a previous poster said this is fantasy not science fiction. If you really want want it to be scientificly accurate, you would have to eliminate light-sabers, they're just not scientificly possible. We all want them to be real though, so we all come up with a lot of excuses as to why they could be real... use that imagination for the rest of the scientific 'errors'. The character errors are equally lame... character motivations are always ambiguous, and just because a character doesn't do or say what you think they should isnt a fault, its just a different vision of th chatacter... surely we should think Lucas knows his characters better then we do. Ultimately, most people will probably not enjoy this or the other prequels as much as they did watching the original at cinema, because, surprise, they're not children anymore. The new films are no less internally logical or consistant then the originals, no better or worse acted, they just have more CG. If anything, they contain a lot more politics then the originals, and in that respect I think they are more mature. Episode 3 is great fun, so stop worrying about trying to relive your original star wars experience, and let yourself enjoy it! It doesnt seem worth trying to answer the many lame criticisms of Ep3 posted here, because if people used as much thought and imagination as they do finding ‘errors’ in the film into coming up with logical explanations for them, they might enjoy it more.
All the complaints seem to fall into 2 categories… Scientific Errors and Character Errors… Firstly as a previous poster said this is fantasy not science fiction. If you really want want it to be scientificly accurate, you would have to eliminate light-sabers, they’re just not scientificly possible. We all want them to be real though, so we all come up with a lot of excuses as to why they could be real… use that imagination for the rest of the scientific ‘errors’.
The character errors are equally lame… character motivations are always ambiguous, and just because a character doesn’t do or say what you think they should isnt a fault, its just a different vision of th chatacter… surely we should think Lucas knows his characters better then we do.
Ultimately, most people will probably not enjoy this or the other prequels as much as they did watching the original at cinema, because, surprise, they’re not children anymore. The new films are no less internally logical or consistant then the originals, no better or worse acted, they just have more CG. If anything, they contain a lot more politics then the originals, and in that respect I think they are more mature.
Episode 3 is great fun, so stop worrying about trying to relive your original star wars experience, and let yourself enjoy it!

By: Nylund Nylund Mon, 23 May 2005 06:02:04 +0000 /?p=743#comment-318 So do Leia and Vader ever realize they're related? Leia and Vader interact a lot, from her initial capture in Ep. IV, to their time together in the clowd city in Ep. V. Can Vader not sense the force in her? Does she simply not have much of "the force" in her? Or does he just not care about his daughter despite being so obsessed with his son? I haven't seen Ep. VI in a long time, so I don't recall if Luke and Leia discuss it. If so, Leia never seemed too bothered by the fact that her life long nemesis was her dad. If Leia is "the other hope" that Yoda and Obi Wan mention in Ep. V, they never really do much about it. So do Leia and Vader ever realize they’re related? Leia and Vader interact a lot, from her initial capture in Ep. IV, to their time together in the clowd city in Ep. V. Can Vader not sense the force in her? Does she simply not have much of “the force” in her? Or does he just not care about his daughter despite being so obsessed with his son? I haven’t seen Ep. VI in a long time, so I don’t recall if Luke and Leia discuss it. If so, Leia never seemed too bothered by the fact that her life long nemesis was her dad. If Leia is “the other hope” that Yoda and Obi Wan mention in Ep. V, they never really do much about it.

By: jeff jeff Mon, 23 May 2005 04:56:04 +0000 /?p=743#comment-317 This is just a suggestion, so you don't have to take it seriously or anything... but, GET A LIFE. Really how can you go on and on about a freakin movie. Enjoy it or don't, but for the love of god move on with your lives. This is just a suggestion, so you don’t have to take it seriously or anything… but, GET A LIFE. Really how can you go on and on about a freakin movie. Enjoy it or don’t, but for the love of god move on with your lives.

By: adam adam Mon, 23 May 2005 04:02:00 +0000 /?p=743#comment-316 I feel compelled to add to this that I had a discussion today with my 11-year old nephew, who was disappointed by the movie. He wanted to know why all the Jedi got taken out so easily. I feel compelled to add to this that I had a discussion today with my 11-year old nephew, who was disappointed by the movie. He wanted to know why all the Jedi got taken out so easily.

By: spdsteer spdsteer Mon, 23 May 2005 03:54:55 +0000 /?p=743#comment-315 You asses are too critical of a movie that is supposed to be about fantasy and wonder. Leave your critique at the door if you want to see a movie like this. You asses are too critical of a movie that is supposed to be about fantasy and wonder. Leave your critique at the door if you want to see a movie like this.

By: Tiffany Leigh Tiffany Leigh Mon, 23 May 2005 00:52:02 +0000 /?p=743#comment-314 I thought I'd post and say this thread kicks ass... I'm sick of defending my position to the party-line Star Wars apologists out there.<p> The worst thing about these last three movies is not that they were awful. But that THEY COULD HAVE BEEN JUST AS GOOD AS THE FIRST THREE.<p>Oh, and saying that "Sith is better than Phantom or Clones" is like saying "the original Police Academy was WAY WAY better than Citizens on Patrol or Mission to Moscow." That bar has not been raised that high by Lucas.</p></p> I thought I’d post and say this thread kicks ass… I’m sick of defending my position to the party-line Star Wars apologists out there.

The worst thing about these last three movies is not that they were awful. But that THEY COULD HAVE BEEN JUST AS GOOD AS THE FIRST THREE.

Oh, and saying that “Sith is better than Phantom or Clones” is like saying “the original Police Academy was WAY WAY better than Citizens on Patrol or Mission to Moscow.” That bar has not been raised that high by Lucas.

By: mike mike Sun, 22 May 2005 23:23:08 +0000 /?p=743#comment-313 Yes, I was young when Star Wars premiered -- a wee lad of 18, sitting in a packed college-town theater opening night, everybody whooping it up from the sheer rush of the thing... And what a commanding rush it was: a buzz of excitement as the first ships rush by, then jaw-dropping awe as the big ship floats overhead. This must have been what it felt like to watch Wizard of Oz in 1939. Plot holes? Sure, of course, and who cared? It was a wild and witty ride, a grand homage to the serials it referenced. Outstanding, clever fun. I could say similar things about Empire (which added depth to the story), but all I remember of Jedi is that cursed Ewok Boogie at the end, and all I can say about the prequels is that Joseph Campbell has a lot to answer for. All of which to say: For those of us who didn't grow up with the series -- who came to the movies as adults -- what was compelling about the first two films has been sadly lacking in the final four. They haven't been fun, they haven't been clever, they haven't been entertaining. They've been tiresome. (So why spend the bucks? Well, a geek's just gotta see them through, despite it all...) And George Lucas's lasting achievement as a filmmaker? He must be the only director on the planet who can make Samuel L. Jackson dull. Yes, I was young when Star Wars premiered — a wee lad of 18, sitting in a packed college-town theater opening night, everybody whooping it up from the sheer rush of the thing…

And what a commanding rush it was: a buzz of excitement as the first ships rush by, then jaw-dropping awe as the big ship floats overhead. This must have been what it felt like to watch Wizard of Oz in 1939.

Plot holes? Sure, of course, and who cared? It was a wild and witty ride, a grand homage to the serials it referenced. Outstanding, clever fun.

I could say similar things about Empire (which added depth to the story), but all I remember of Jedi is that cursed Ewok Boogie at the end, and all I can say about the prequels is that Joseph Campbell has a lot to answer for.

All of which to say: For those of us who didn’t grow up with the series — who came to the movies as adults — what was compelling about the first two films has been sadly lacking in the final four. They haven’t been fun, they haven’t been clever, they haven’t been entertaining. They’ve been tiresome. (So why spend the bucks? Well, a geek’s just gotta see them through, despite it all…)

And George Lucas’s lasting achievement as a filmmaker? He must be the only director on the planet who can make Samuel L. Jackson dull.

By: Nate Nate Sun, 22 May 2005 21:27:18 +0000 /?p=743#comment-312 Kyle, I'm with you on that one... it seems like Padme gets really pregnant REALLY quick. One of my friends tried to pass it off as a midichlorians thing, which is just ridiculous. Kyle, I’m with you on that one… it seems like Padme gets really pregnant REALLY quick. One of my friends tried to pass it off as a midichlorians thing, which is just ridiculous.

By: lownotes lownotes Sun, 22 May 2005 19:36:42 +0000 /?p=743#comment-311 It's not science fiction.. Think about it. The series contains NO SCIENCE. It's fantasy through and through. It’s not science fiction.. Think about it. The series contains NO SCIENCE. It’s fantasy through and through.

By: Kyle Kyle Sun, 22 May 2005 19:35:28 +0000 /?p=743#comment-310 Question: What was the actual amount of time that passed during this movie. Specifically between Anakin meeting Padme at the Senate and the night scene. Because, is it just me, or does this movie only take place over like 2 weeks, 2 weeks in which Padme is skinny as ever and then pregnant with two kids? Question: What was the actual amount of time that passed during this movie. Specifically between Anakin meeting Padme at the Senate and the night scene. Because, is it just me, or does this movie only take place over like 2 weeks, 2 weeks in which Padme is skinny as ever and then pregnant with two kids?

By: Some Dude Some Dude Sun, 22 May 2005 18:08:30 +0000 /?p=743#comment-309 Garbage, yes, but in a series of movies that sucked, I think this one sucked a little less. Garbage, yes, but in a series of movies that sucked, I think this one sucked a little less.

By: adam adam Sun, 22 May 2005 16:41:47 +0000 /?p=743#comment-308 Why the assumption that even pop candy sci-fi action entertainment is somehow exempt from being self-consistent, well-written, or competently acted? Am I watching an ILM demo reel?!? NO! I'm watching the 20 year culmination of a STORY, and one that started out compelling and mythical, and devolved into stilted, patchy, and, in some cases, goofy. I don't feel that George Lucas owes me a good movie, but on the other hand, I don't owe him a good review, either. Why the assumption that even pop candy sci-fi action entertainment is somehow exempt from being self-consistent, well-written, or competently acted?

Am I watching an ILM demo reel?!? NO! I’m watching the 20 year culmination of a STORY, and one that started out compelling and mythical, and devolved into stilted, patchy, and, in some cases, goofy.

I don’t feel that George Lucas owes me a good movie, but on the other hand, I don’t owe him a good review, either.

By: Jordo Jordo Sun, 22 May 2005 16:19:49 +0000 /?p=743#comment-307 Wow, I had no idea this movie was so hated. I really enjoyed it. At least after the first 30 minutes I did. The four armed bad guy didn't work for me. But really, picking apart plot holes ... in Star Wars? That's sad. Wow, I had no idea this movie was so hated. I really enjoyed it. At least after the first 30 minutes I did. The four armed bad guy didn’t work for me. But really, picking apart plot holes … in Star Wars? That’s sad.

By: dwvr dwvr Sun, 22 May 2005 15:59:17 +0000 /?p=743#comment-305 Okay, I've got complaints. Not about the plot holes in Episode III, but a few basic problems in technology. Remember, this is a technologically advanced alternate reality (a galaxy far away...) that makes our technologies seem stone-aged by comparison. 1) Propolsion Systems: Do you mean to tell me that all these flying machines, both planetary personal craft and giant space monsters run on liquid fuel? I assume this liquid is combustable, like petroleum. Where did it come from in such endless quantities, and how is it stored? And most importantly, how do they deal with emmissions, which were prominently ejected from every craft? 2) The planet where all the real action comes home to roost is one big urban downtown, not a speck of plant or animal life in sight. Assuming everybody breathes oxygen, where does it come from? Not only are billions or perhaps trillions of English-speaking humans consuming O2, there's all those vehicles burning combustable fuel. So, where does the O2 come from? 3) OK, annikin gets burned. Badly. We low tech neanderthals in this time and space are on the verge of some amazing techniques for building human tissue, or life-like substitutes. Did these technologically advanced people abandon reconstructive surgery? Does darth Vader really have to cover his face with a helmet so that we aren't upset with his burns? 4) Those replacement limbs that everybody seems to sport. Granted, perhaps the mechanical ones are better than the real thing, although in that case everybody would be volutarily having their limbs lopped off. But couldn't they look a little more attractive, maybe covered with human tissue (see number 3 above) or maybe even entire limbs grown from your own stem cells and completely indistinguishable from the lost limbs? To expect these technological advances is not unreasonable in our day and age. As for availability, I might remind you that this tale involves the elites of society, people and robots fighting for control. You can be sure that all the resources of society are at the fingetips of these folks. As for the plot holes, I couldn't give a damn. But these lapses are just plain stupid. -dwvr Okay, I’ve got complaints. Not about the plot holes in Episode III, but a few basic problems in technology. Remember, this is a technologically advanced alternate reality (a galaxy far away…) that makes our technologies seem stone-aged by comparison.

1) Propolsion Systems: Do you mean to tell me that all these flying machines, both planetary personal craft and giant space monsters run on liquid fuel? I assume this liquid is combustable, like petroleum. Where did it come from in such endless quantities, and how is it stored? And most importantly, how do they deal with emmissions, which were prominently ejected from every craft?

2) The planet where all the real action comes home to roost is one big urban downtown, not a speck of plant or animal life in sight. Assuming everybody breathes oxygen, where does it come from? Not only are billions or perhaps trillions of English-speaking humans consuming O2, there’s all those vehicles burning combustable fuel. So, where does the O2 come from?

3) OK, annikin gets burned. Badly. We low tech neanderthals in this time and space are on the verge of some amazing techniques for building human tissue, or life-like substitutes. Did these technologically advanced people abandon reconstructive surgery? Does darth Vader really have to cover his face with a helmet so that we aren’t upset with his burns?

4) Those replacement limbs that everybody seems to sport. Granted, perhaps the mechanical ones are better than the real thing, although in that case everybody would be volutarily having their limbs lopped off. But couldn’t they look a little more attractive, maybe covered with human tissue (see number 3 above) or maybe even entire limbs grown from your own stem cells and completely indistinguishable from the lost limbs?

To expect these technological advances is not unreasonable in our day and age. As for availability, I might remind you that this tale involves the elites of society, people and robots fighting for control. You can be sure that all the resources of society are at the fingetips of these folks.

As for the plot holes, I couldn’t give a damn. But these lapses are just plain stupid.


By: adam adam Sun, 22 May 2005 15:12:11 +0000 /?p=743#comment-304 Jamie, I like that idea, although I'd gotten the sense that Palpatine was just flat-out lying about all of that - that it was just a line to tempt Anakin into joining him. Interesting stuff though. I might almost have bought the whole midichlorian thing if they were revealed to be the "secret sauce" that turned clones into real people. I'd like to see Chris Nolan's or, even better, Michel Gondry's version of that movie. Jamie, I like that idea, although I’d gotten the sense that Palpatine was just flat-out lying about all of that – that it was just a line to tempt Anakin into joining him. Interesting stuff though. I might almost have bought the whole midichlorian thing if they were revealed to be the “secret sauce” that turned clones into real people. I’d like to see Chris Nolan’s or, even better, Michel Gondry’s version of that movie.

By: JB JB Sun, 22 May 2005 13:55:25 +0000 /?p=743#comment-303 "Only a sith deals in absolutes" is an absolute statement. “Only a sith deals in absolutes” is an absolute statement.

By: Stan Stan Sun, 22 May 2005 12:28:49 +0000 /?p=743#comment-302 the have a remake of the love bug coming out. the have a remake of the love bug coming out.

By: Narfix Narfix Sun, 22 May 2005 10:50:12 +0000 /?p=743#comment-301 good movie but the Jedis appeared so lame overall in it. Grevious takes numerous Jedis in Clone Wars and all it needs to take him is 2 shots in its heart (?)... I would have more of Grevious fighting with all its arms.. was fun and unexpected. Jedis can also not feel a thing when they are threathened (exception of Yoda and the one who dies on the bridge)... implies the trial you have to succeed to move from padawan to jedi is easy. Anakin was right not to do it.. waste of time ^^ The fight with Mace Windu and the emperor is weak imo... Mace doesn't look as cool as in the cartoon. yeah I know it's a cartoon and he's fighting the emperor but the fights with Dooku were more immersive than this one but I wonder if Mace is really dead. All we see is him thrown faaaaaaar away and alive. In Clone Wars he survived to the same situation... hmm.. is it the Millenium Falcon we can see after the first battle when the're back to corscant in the down left corner ? To the Death Star problem, you must note that the Time is not working is the same way in the SW universe : like Anakin grows super fast and Padme doesn't get any older... or that means they're from different alien species ? oh ! Species can mix ?? Yoda + wookiette ?? Good movie anyway ^^ good movie but the Jedis appeared so lame overall in it.
Grevious takes numerous Jedis in Clone Wars and all it needs to take him is 2 shots in its heart (?)… I would have more of Grevious fighting with all its arms.. was fun and unexpected.
Jedis can also not feel a thing when they are threathened (exception of Yoda and the one who dies on the bridge)… implies the trial you have to succeed to move from padawan to jedi is easy. Anakin was right not to do it.. waste of time ^^
The fight with Mace Windu and the emperor is weak imo… Mace doesn’t look as cool as in the cartoon. yeah I know it’s a cartoon and he’s fighting the emperor but the fights with Dooku were more immersive than this one but I wonder if Mace is really dead. All we see is him thrown faaaaaaar away and alive. In Clone Wars he survived to the same situation… hmm..
is it the Millenium Falcon we can see after the first battle when the’re back to corscant in the down left corner ?
To the Death Star problem, you must note that the Time is not working is the same way in the SW universe : like Anakin grows super fast and Padme doesn’t get any older… or that means they’re from different alien species ? oh ! Species can mix ?? Yoda + wookiette ??

Good movie anyway ^^

By: Jamie Young Jamie Young Sun, 22 May 2005 08:35:22 +0000 /?p=743#comment-300 Ah it's just a movie. Bad acting, but consistant. Spoiler things below. No one's commented on the fact that Palpatine, in talking about how he killed his own dark lord, Darth something or other, essentially admitted that the dark lord created Anakin. Palpy said his lord could coax midichlorians into creating life. Annie's mother said to Qui-jon that there was no father in Annie's conception. The Jedi council wonders if the midichlorians created Annie. So Annie's father was (sort of) the dark lord that Palpatine killed. So Annie's mother could have known that dark lord, and perhaps knew Palpatine as well. Does it have any real bearing on the story? It does if anyone cared about how Annie came to be. Ah it’s just a movie. Bad acting, but consistant.

Spoiler things below.

No one’s commented on the fact that Palpatine, in talking about how he killed his own dark lord, Darth something or other, essentially admitted that the dark lord created Anakin.

Palpy said his lord could coax midichlorians into creating life. Annie’s mother said to Qui-jon that there was no father in Annie’s conception. The Jedi council wonders if the midichlorians created Annie.

So Annie’s father was (sort of) the dark lord that Palpatine killed. So Annie’s mother could have known that dark lord, and perhaps knew Palpatine as well.

Does it have any real bearing on the story? It does if anyone cared about how Annie came to be.

By: dave dave Sun, 22 May 2005 05:53:56 +0000 /?p=743#comment-299 We learned a long time ago that the robots need to talk out loud, and preferably in English - no more plotting against us. So no wifi. Big John, in Episode I or II the Jedi mentioned their powers were weakening. It was difficult for them to see the Dark Side. That Jedi Youngling who came out to warn/save the senator was awesome. We learned a long time ago that the robots need to talk out loud, and preferably in English – no more plotting against us. So no wifi.

Big John, in Episode I or II the Jedi mentioned their powers were weakening. It was difficult for them to see the Dark Side.

That Jedi Youngling who came out to warn/save the senator was awesome.

By: doug doug Sun, 22 May 2005 05:40:19 +0000 /?p=743#comment-298 For some of the wierd transitions between Padme and Anakin, the screenplay has some dialog that didn't make it into the movie. The part where Padme looks upset before telling about the baby, Anakin: Are you all right? You're trembling. What's going on? Padme: I'm just excited to see you. Anakin: That's not it. I sense more ... what is it? Padme: Nothing... nothing... Anakain: You're frightened. (a little angry) Tell me what's going on! PADME begins to cry Padme: You've been gone five's been very hard for me. I've never felt so alone. There's... Anakin:...Is there someone esle? Padme:(peeved angry) No! Why do you think that? Your jealousy upsets me so much, Anakin. I do nothing to betray you, yet you still don't trust me. Nothing has changed. Anakin:(sheepish) I'm afraid of losing you, Padme...that's all Later on when Anakin visits her place and asks angerly if Obi-won has been here recently it's because of his previous talk with palpatine. Palpatine: There are rumors in the Senate about Master Kenobi. Many believe he is not fit for this assignment Anakin: Not fit? Why would anyone think that? Palpatine: They say his mind become fogged by the influence of a certain female senator. Anakin: That's ridiculous. Who?!? Palpatine:(slyly) no one knows who she is...only that she is a Senator Anakin: That's impossible. I would know. Palpatine: Sometimes the closet are the ones who cannot see. Hopefully the footage will come out in the directors cut. There are probably more examples but I'm not hardcore enough to pick out all of them. For some of the wierd transitions between Padme and Anakin, the screenplay has some dialog that didn’t make it into the movie. The part where Padme looks upset before telling about the baby,

Anakin: Are you all right? You’re trembling. What’s going on?
Padme: I’m just excited to see you.
Anakin: That’s not it. I sense more … what is it?
Padme: Nothing… nothing…
Anakain: You’re frightened. (a little angry) Tell me what’s going on!
PADME begins to cry
Padme: You’ve been gone five months…it’s been very hard for me. I’ve never felt so alone. There’s…
Anakin:…Is there someone esle?
Padme:(peeved angry) No! Why do you think that? Your jealousy upsets me so much, Anakin. I do nothing to betray you, yet you still don’t trust me. Nothing has changed.
Anakin:(sheepish) I’m afraid of losing you, Padme…that’s all

Later on when Anakin visits her place and asks angerly if Obi-won has been here recently it’s because of his previous talk with palpatine.

Palpatine: There are rumors in the Senate about Master Kenobi. Many believe he is not fit for this assignment
Anakin: Not fit? Why would anyone think that?
Palpatine: They say his mind become fogged by the influence of a certain female senator.
Anakin: That’s ridiculous. Who?!?
Palpatine:(slyly) no one knows who she is…only that she is a Senator
Anakin: That’s impossible. I would know.
Palpatine: Sometimes the closet are the ones who cannot see.

Hopefully the footage will come out in the directors cut. There are probably more examples but I’m not hardcore enough to pick out all of them.

By: Josh Josh Sun, 22 May 2005 03:09:48 +0000 /?p=743#comment-297 When I saw Star Wars (11 years old), I think it's safe to say that Darth Vader was the baddest man in the whole damn town - the craziest, meanest, most hardcore evil guy I'd ever seen. With his army of clones, he reminded me of what I had learned about Hitler. After all these years, I finally get to see what exactly turned him to the Dark Side(tm) and it's a chick?? Are you f'ing kidding me? I don't think I'm being jaded in saying that's about as lame an excuse for becoming Darth Vader as I can imagine. He goes from Gerber Baby to Damien in one move, two if you count the horror of being called "immature" by a council of Jedis - that's downright lame. I was a meaner kid than Anni. And I had a boys name. When I saw Star Wars (11 years old), I think it’s safe to say that Darth Vader was the baddest man in the whole damn town – the craziest, meanest, most hardcore evil guy I’d ever seen. With his army of clones, he reminded me of what I had learned about Hitler. After all these years, I finally get to see what exactly turned him to the Dark Side(tm) and it’s a chick?? Are you f’ing kidding me? I don’t think I’m being jaded in saying that’s about as lame an excuse for becoming Darth Vader as I can imagine. He goes from Gerber Baby to Damien in one move, two if you count the horror of being called “immature” by a council of Jedis – that’s downright lame. I was a meaner kid than Anni. And I had a boys name.

By: Darth Poopicus Darth Poopicus Sat, 21 May 2005 23:41:15 +0000 /?p=743#comment-296 Sigh. Episode 3. It seems like the added footage in the revamped eps iv,v,vi just foreshadowed how poop-tastic the prequels could be. Thanks for ruining something I really cherished from my childhood George. I'm still waiting to see Vader in a Tampax ad. Star Wars sucks. Sigh. Episode 3. It seems like the added footage in the revamped eps iv,v,vi just foreshadowed how poop-tastic the prequels could be. Thanks for ruining something I really cherished from my childhood George. I’m still waiting to see Vader in a Tampax ad.

Star Wars sucks.

By: Bill Peschel Bill Peschel Sat, 21 May 2005 21:31:45 +0000 /?p=743#comment-295 Boy, I loved this movie. Can't wait for the sequel. Hurry up, George! Boy, I loved this movie. Can’t wait for the sequel. Hurry up, George!

By: Jack Jack Sat, 21 May 2005 21:11:04 +0000 /?p=743#comment-294 These sequels never did anything for me. Neither did Return of the Jedi. To me, Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back were magical. The rest of it seems like extended commercials for toy lines. Not to mention that after a while all of this Senate and Jedi talk gets tedious. And this is coming from someone who saw SW and ESB in the movie theater multipe times as a kid. Then this pile of Sith comes along. Of course you have hope that the mere connection between this last of the prequels and the first of the real films will compensate. Man, I could not have been more wrong. All the connections to the original trilogy seem forced at best. Brought to a point when Obi Wan and Yoda are talking over expository plot points at the end of the film "Hey, I should go into exile... Yo, Bail you want a kid? And hey, who is going to be the one to say C3P0's brain needs to be erased... Don't forget to get a shot of a Pre-Grand Moff Tarkin..." What a piece of junk. And I've been affected by some of the hokiness in the past, but Vader's 'birth' and screaming 'Noooooo!' at the end of the film brough me to tears of laughter. Holy crap was that the lamest thing I have ever seen! It was like an SNL parody of the film. And that is the most important moment in the film????!?!?!?!? Good lord! Vader was as scary as the guys in Vader costumes waiting in line. Lost the will to live is the reason for the death of Padme? Fsyking hell! Whoi wrote this garbage?!?!? But I will give the film props for one of the best/worst lines EVER spoken in the who Star Wars films. "Go I will. Good relations with the Wookies, I have." Thanks Yoda. Are you now going to tell us that housing Chewbacca's cat you have? Thanks for ending this saga George Lucas. Now please leave movies alone. These sequels never did anything for me. Neither did Return of the Jedi. To me, Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back were magical. The rest of it seems like extended commercials for toy lines. Not to mention that after a while all of this Senate and Jedi talk gets tedious.

And this is coming from someone who saw SW and ESB in the movie theater multipe times as a kid.

Then this pile of Sith comes along. Of course you have hope that the mere connection between this last of the prequels and the first of the real films will compensate. Man, I could not have been more wrong.

All the connections to the original trilogy seem forced at best. Brought to a point when Obi Wan and Yoda are talking over expository plot points at the end of the film “Hey, I should go into exile… Yo, Bail you want a kid? And hey, who is going to be the one to say C3P0’s brain needs to be erased… Don’t forget to get a shot of a Pre-Grand Moff Tarkin…”

What a piece of junk.

And I’ve been affected by some of the hokiness in the past, but Vader’s ‘birth’ and screaming ‘Noooooo!’ at the end of the film brough me to tears of laughter. Holy crap was that the lamest thing I have ever seen! It was like an SNL parody of the film. And that is the most important moment in the film????!?!?!?!? Good lord! Vader was as scary as the guys in Vader costumes waiting in line.

Lost the will to live is the reason for the death of Padme? Fsyking hell! Whoi wrote this garbage?!?!?

But I will give the film props for one of the best/worst lines EVER spoken in the who Star Wars films.

“Go I will. Good relations with the Wookies, I have.”

Thanks Yoda. Are you now going to tell us that housing Chewbacca’s cat you have?

Thanks for ending this saga George Lucas. Now please leave movies alone.

By: Torminalis Torminalis Sat, 21 May 2005 21:10:23 +0000 /?p=743#comment-293 Theory: Could the eternal life secret knowledge shenanigans explain why when Vader Kills OBW, OWB dissapears instead of just getting chopped in half like every other saber victim? Could they be paving the way for episode 7 starring old whassisface Mcgregor and thingy Neeson? Theory: Could the eternal life secret knowledge shenanigans explain why when Vader Kills OBW, OWB dissapears instead of just getting chopped in half like every other saber victim? Could they be paving the way for episode 7 starring old whassisface Mcgregor and thingy Neeson?

By: adam adam Sat, 21 May 2005 20:41:31 +0000 /?p=743#comment-292 I disagree that there was no reason to expect it to be good. Simply put, I had hope that George Lucas would want to make a movie that was good, which was of course, dashed to pieces. The vast majority of the holes could have been resolved. It's not perfect either, but <a href="">this synopsis</a> sounds a hell of a lot better than what I saw. And that's with only very minor adjustments. I disagree that there was no reason to expect it to be good. Simply put, I had hope that George Lucas would want to make a movie that was good, which was of course, dashed to pieces. The vast majority of the holes could have been resolved. It’s not perfect either, but this synopsis sounds a hell of a lot better than what I saw. And that’s with only very minor adjustments.

By: mst mst Sat, 21 May 2005 19:51:57 +0000 /?p=743#comment-291 I loved the film, although at times it was emotionally painful to watch, which must be a first for a SW film. Although one thing that i really hated was the way Obi Wan just left Anakin for dead after saying he was his brother, loved him etc. Ahh maaan, that was the saddest part of the film. Didn't he deserve another chance for all that? Oh well, at least he gets a reward for his 'love' in ANH. I loved the film, although at times it was emotionally painful to watch, which must be a first for a SW film. Although one thing that i really hated was the way Obi Wan just left Anakin for dead after saying he was his brother, loved him etc. Ahh maaan, that was the saddest part of the film. Didn’t he deserve another chance for all that? Oh well, at least he gets a reward for his ‘love’ in ANH.

By: Geneffects Geneffects Sat, 21 May 2005 19:17:11 +0000 /?p=743#comment-290 I thought that Anakin's transition to the Dark Side was a little vague. If only Lucas had made Anakin kill a kennel of Jedi puppies or something so that the audience wouldn't be left so confused by such subtle moral dilemmas! I thought that Anakin’s transition to the Dark Side was a little vague. If only Lucas had made Anakin kill a kennel of Jedi puppies or something so that the audience wouldn’t be left so confused by such subtle moral dilemmas!

By: Big John Big John Sat, 21 May 2005 19:10:54 +0000 /?p=743#comment-289 So while I may not check every line of code in a game for my XBOX that I bought, I would check things out on a game I had made. I think if I were on the Jedi Council and had to use these "clones" that I would at least check out the programming to see what they can and cannot do. Especially if the Jedi council never really trusted Palpatine! Why couldn't the force detect something "wrong" about them? Nobody can still explain why the entire Jedi Council couldn't detect the Dark Sith Lord two blocks over! OK, so Yoda never met with anyone other than Luke, doesn't Luke mention to Han and Chewy that he's going to the Dagoboth (sp?) System to look for Yoda? Wouldn't Chewy say, "yeah I sent him off in a little rocket ship we just had hiding in the woods"? Another thing, when Lucas re-released EP 4-6, I believe it is in EP 5 where he removed a scream Luke made as he had his hand chopped off and he fell because Jedis do not scream, they have no fear. Yet we hear Jedi masters screaming when they get their hands chopped off or falling out a window (a la Mace Windu). And why couldn't Jedi Master Obi-Wan use the force to knock the little robots off his space ship? It can be used to pick up an X-wing fighter out of the swamp, but cannot push little robots off a space ship. So while I may not check every line of code in a game for my XBOX that I bought, I would check things out on a game I had made. I think if I were on the Jedi Council and had to use these “clones” that I would at least check out the programming to see what they can and cannot do. Especially if the Jedi council never really trusted Palpatine! Why couldn’t the force detect something “wrong” about them? Nobody can still explain why the entire Jedi Council couldn’t detect the Dark Sith Lord two blocks over! OK, so Yoda never met with anyone other than Luke, doesn’t Luke mention to Han and Chewy that he’s going to the Dagoboth (sp?) System to look for Yoda? Wouldn’t Chewy say, “yeah I sent him off in a little rocket ship we just had hiding in the woods”? Another thing, when Lucas re-released EP 4-6, I believe it is in EP 5 where he removed a scream Luke made as he had his hand chopped off and he fell because Jedis do not scream, they have no fear. Yet we hear Jedi masters screaming when they get their hands chopped off or falling out a window (a la Mace Windu). And why couldn’t Jedi Master Obi-Wan use the force to knock the little robots off his space ship? It can be used to pick up an X-wing fighter out of the swamp, but cannot push little robots off a space ship.

By: California Will California Will Sat, 21 May 2005 19:04:06 +0000 /?p=743#comment-288 Lessons: Everybody in the Jedi order has to follow the dress code. No more exceptions for nifty black ensambles. Surprise endings are good, but at least it wasn't "Obi Wan is really the father" Father figures are important. Luke has 3 (Owen, Obi Wan, Vader), while in Anikan's eyes, Obi Wan goes from Father figure to "like a brother." Yoda's grammer actually gets better over next 20 years Puppets are still better than CGI Lessons:
Everybody in the Jedi order has to follow the dress code. No more exceptions for nifty black ensambles.
Surprise endings are good, but at least it wasn’t “Obi Wan is really the father”
Father figures are important. Luke has 3 (Owen, Obi Wan, Vader), while in Anikan’s eyes, Obi Wan goes from Father figure to “like a brother.”
Yoda’s grammer actually gets better over next 20 years
Puppets are still better than CGI

By: paul paul Sat, 21 May 2005 19:03:31 +0000 /?p=743#comment-287 I may or may not see Sith. Does anyone remember when Star Wars came out? Before it was "Episode IV"? When it was just Star Wars and it was only one picture. It was fun. It was a great entertaining yarn. It was a great expression of the directors love for the pulp science fiction stories of the 30's and 40's. That's what was so great about it. And then the next two movies followed, and nitpicking aside, they were basically on a par with the first movie and they finished out the story. More fun. Star Wars I, II, and III fail because they solemnly suffer under the weight of their own mythology. The years between the two trilogys saw the rise of "Star Wars" as a cultural institution. By the time "A New Hope" came out, there was no chance it could have the lightness and fun of the earlier epic. Too bad. I may or may not see Sith. Does anyone remember when Star Wars came out? Before it was “Episode IV”? When it was just Star Wars and it was only one picture. It was fun. It was a great entertaining yarn. It was a great expression of the directors love for the pulp science fiction stories of the 30’s and 40’s. That’s what was so great about it. And then the next two movies followed, and nitpicking aside, they were basically on a par with the first movie and they finished out the story. More fun.

Star Wars I, II, and III fail because they solemnly suffer under the weight of their own mythology. The years between the two trilogys saw the rise of “Star Wars” as a cultural institution. By the time “A New Hope” came out, there was no chance it could have the lightness and fun of the earlier epic. Too bad.
