Adam Fields Photoblog.

Unless otherwise noted, all pictures were taken by and are copyright Adam Fields.

Pictures were not necessarily taken immediately prior to posting.

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1,'Feb'=>2,'Mar'=>3,'Apr'=>4,'May'=>5,'Jun'=>6,'Jul'=>7,'Aug'=>8,'Sep'=>9,'Oct'=>10,'Nov'=>11,'Dec'=>12); foreach ($files as $x) { $date = substr($x, 0, strlen($x)-7); # print urldecode($date) . ':'; list ($day, $mon, $date, $time, $zone, $year) = split(" +", urldecode($date)); if ($date < 10) { $date = "0".$date; } # print $x . ':' . $year.','.$months[$mon].','.$date.','.$time .'
'; if ($year == $viewyear && $months[$mon] == $viewmonth) { $entries[$year.$months[$mon].$date.$time] = $x; } } krsort($entries); foreach ($entries as $x) { $name = substr($x, 0, strlen($x)-4); print ''; print '

' . urldecode($name) . '

'; readfile($x); print '
Semi-permalink'; print '
'; } ?>

Adam feedback.


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